Trademark Registration Process of India

Trademark Registration Process

Trademark registration process in India is something that you need to follow if you wish to own the trademark that you’ve created for your product or service after so much hard work. By going through this process and becoming the owner of your trademark, you get the power to:

  1. Exclusively own your trademark
  2. Take appropriate action against those who try to use it without your knowledge.

But why should care about the procedure for trademark registration?

What are the benefits that come with trademark registration?

If you’ve established a trademark and your business have prospered, the benefits start to roll in:

  1. You’ll automatically generate, develop and maintain the unique identity of your brand.
  2. People, upon seeing your trademark, will know who to trust for that particular product or service.
  3. You can exclusively own the trademark whether it’s a symbol, word, graphic or even color or shape.
  4. You can license your trademark to others if you wish to expand your business while also creating a new pipeline for further income.
  5. As an intangible asset, registered trademark has monetary value. Thus, if in future you wish to move on to bigger and better options, you can sell your trademark for a substantial sum of money.

Procedure for trademark registration

If you’ve finally decided to make your brand truly your own, then this is the trademark registration procedure you need to follow to register your trademark:

  1. Conducting trademark search: It will take around one day time to complete. The process to conduct the trademark search is as follows:
    1. Search in the trademark registration records to see whether or not your chosen trademark is available for registration.
    2. Conduct an online search either through the IP portal or a privatized portal.
    3. If you want the search to be thorough, don’t shy away from asking for help from trademark registration consultants.
  2. File the trademark application: The time that it will take you to file your trademark registration application is 2 days. You’ll need to file a separate trademark application for a separate class and each application will cost you INR 4,000/-. The steps of filing trademark application are as follows:
    1. Enter the particulars in the trademark application including trademark name, trademark owner, list of goods covered under that trademark.
    2. Use a digital signature to submit the application for trademark registration
    3. The registrar will assess your application and try to verify whether your trademark is unique.
    4. If your trademark isn’t found to be unique, the trademark status would give you a “default”. After that, you’ll receive a notification which will give you time to file trademark reply or make the necessary corrections.
    5. if your trademark is unique, the registrar will accept your application.
  3. Publication in the trademark journal: Once and if your trademark is accepted by the registrar, it will be published in the trademark journal for 4 months. A trademark journal is a document which is publicly accessible – anyone can view it. It allows general public to approve of your application and in case of any discrepancy, oppose against it.
    1. If the publishing is uneventful means if no third party comes forward to oppose your trademark registration application, you’ll obtain the trademark registration certificate.
    2. If someone opposes to your application, you’ll need to take measures to handle that situation. It involves sending and receiving evidence, court hearing and other legal functions.

What comes after trademark registration?

As you get the trademark registration certificate, your name is entered in the trademark registry besides your trademark. As per the government records, you become the exclusive owner of trademark under the trademark class you applied for.


Do you seek trademark registration in Delhi, or pretty much anywhere else in India? If you do, you can’t just waste your time. There are thousands of people rushing for getting their trademark registered. If you don’t want to be left behind, reach out to Regalguru. We will take you ahead of the line and get your trademark registered on time.

Posted in IPR

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